Santa's Sweets
>> Monday, December 21, 2009
Santa has a long night ahead!
Maybe Santa has had a long December!
Start Santa's Christmas right with a few sweet treats.
What will your kids be serving?
Does your Santa need some spoiling?!
Start Santa's Christmas right with a few sweet treats.
What will your kids be serving?

All I know is that being Santa is actually looking pretty tasty to me!

I could go the latté but given that my kids want the goodies set out onto the roof (with carrots and straw for the reindeer) I think we'll be going traditional ;-)
Lovely post
mmmm....looks yummy! i got your christmas card this weekend and it totally made my day!!!!!! i actually am off to order my "new years" cards now from your shop! I never seem to be able to get them out in time for christmas. :)
i love mexican wedding cake cookies!
I'll have to load Santa up on sugar and coffee, he has a 3 story doll house to assemble!
Anybody ever seen the broadway play or movie, OILVER?
"Please sir, I want some more...."
Oh well, if you haven't seen the movie you can rent it sometime and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about! I LOVE SWEET TREATS!
mmmmm....mexican wedding cakes. Perhaps that is what we'll make for Santa this year. I always seem to forget Santa's treats. What a humbug I am.........this year, Santa has to put together a Bike. I'm nervous. {Luckily, the lucky recipient is in a hot pink cast on her left arm, so if there needs to be some extra tweaking, we can do it!!}
Those peppermint meringues are so cute!!
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